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Chapter 5: Baby Bottle

Young Master Bai was dressed in new clothes today! He wore a knitted hat with a fluffy ball on top, and when he turned his head, it swayed along. Sitting there, holding a large red orange, he giggled. His eyes formed crescents, making him exceptionally charming.

Mi Yang lay there, moving his small hands, and Cheng Qing lifted him up. Smiling, she said, “Yangyang is awake! Come, play with your brother. Brother has come to see you again. Are you happy?”

Mi Yang blinked and reached out to the adults, wanting to be held. However, instead of being lifted as he wished, a large orange was placed into his small hand.

Madam Bai smiled and said, “Let’s give Yangyang one too, just like the brother, okay?”

Mi Yang lowered his head to look at the orange. The fruity aroma filled his nose, and he thought it was not bad.

Mi Yang couldn’t eat the orange, but it was nice to hold and smell. The orange had a refreshing scent, and the touch of the skin against his fingertips was cool. Recalling the sweet and tangy taste of the orange, Mi Yang smacked his lips.

Madam Bai looked at the two kids, but her gaze lingered more on Mi Yang. She praised, “Yangyang’s eyes are like black grapes, and his eyelashes are long. At first, I thought he was a little girl. He’s as beautiful as you are.”

Cheng Qing felt a bit embarrassed and quickly praised as well, “Oh, no. Luochuan is the good-looking one. His skin is fair, just like Sister Luo.”

Mi Yang also turned his head to glance at Xiao Bai. Surprisingly, from childhood to now, his skin had remained fair, with, at most, a slight sunburn making it a bit red. He remembered once when they went camping, Bai Luochuan, impatient with the heat in the mountains, dragged him to the river to swim. When Bai Luochuan took off his T-shirt, his skin was so pale that it seemed to glow. The thin yet firm layer of muscle on his body made Mi Yang quite envious.

Perhaps sensing Mi Yang’s gaze, Young Master Bai turned his head to look at him. However, he didn’t maintain his balance well and almost toppled over, narrowly avoiding falling onto Mi Yang. In a quick response, Mi Yang made an emergency move, tilting his head back to avoid it—considering yesterday’s experience, he knew that Young Master Bai might try to suck his face again.

Mi Yang’s guess was correct! However, being aware of the situation didn’t guarantee successful evasion. Soon enough, Young Master Bai gleefully captured one side of Mi Yang’s little face, leaving wet marks from his saliva.

Mi Yang was pinned down, his little hands and feet flailing as he cried out “Ya ya” to call the adults. However, the two mothers standing by the bed just laughed at the scene. Cheng Qing’s eyes crinkled with laughter, and Madam Bai even suggested having the security guard go back to get a camera for a commemorative photo.

Mi Yang stopped struggling and lay there, looking utterly uninterested as Young Master Bai continued to play with him, including sucking his face. After a while of playful interaction, Young Master Bai grabbed an orange and started rolling it around, then playfully shouted “Ya” towards Mi Yang.

Mi Yang sighed, turning his head to look at Cheng Qing with a determined expression. He stubbornly reached out his hand, insisting that he needed to wash his face. After all, his face was covered in Bai Luochuan’s saliva!

Fortunately, Cheng Qing had taken care of him for several months and knew some of his habits. She took a handkerchief and wiped Mi Yang’s little face clean. Once he transformed into a sweet-smelling baby again, she put the two kids together. This time, Mi Yangcooperated more, actively participating in the game of rolling oranges with Young Master Bai. He even pushed his own orange towards Young Master Bai, trying hard to ensure his safety.

Observing the two kids enjoying themselves, Cheng Qing chuckled and said, “I was worried that Yangyang hadn’t met other children before, wondering how long it would take for them to play together. It’s only been a few minutes, and they’re already getting along so well.”

Madam Bai was also quite pleased. She accompanied her husband for a few months, enduring some hardships along with the adults. However, handling a child alone was a different challenge. Finding a playmate for her son was something she hadn’t expected, and it turned out better than she anticipated. When she looked at Mi Yang, her eyes reflected a mixture of care and happiness.

Madam Bai had some matters to attend to at noon. Originally, she intended to take the child with her, but Cheng Qing, being practical, advised her, “Sister Luo, there are only the two of us military spouses in the camp. If you trust me, leave Luochuan with me, and let Xiao Zhao stay to assist. I’ll take care of Yangyang as well. It’s not much trouble to handle one more.”

Xiao Zhao was Bai Jingrong’s security guard. Although he helped out from time to time, having a big man take care of a child always left people somewhat uneasy. Madam Bai was pleased to hear Cheng Qing’s suggestion and asked, “Won’t it affect your work?”

Cheng Qing chuckled and said, “I don’t have much to do. I’ll just cook a meal for Mi Yang’s father. It won’t be a problem.”

Madam Bai smiled, “Thank you for your help then.”

She left Xiao Zhao and the security guard to assist Cheng Qing in taking care of the children. She departed, mentioning that she would be back in the afternoon.

Cheng Qing stayed behind and laid out a small blanket for the two little ones. She then surrounded them with pillows to prevent them from falling and began knitting. She appeared relaxed, occasionally playing with the children. On the other hand, Xiao Zhao, the security guard carrying a shoulder bag, seemed a bit nervous, checking the time and asking, “Sister-in-law, should they have some fruit puree by now?”

Mi Yang was also feeling a bit hungry. He looked up at his mom expectantly.

Cheng Qing nodded and said, “Sure, I’ll go prepare it for them.”

The security guard added, “I have some with me. I always carry snacks when we go out. Today, it’s apple.”

Cheng Qing said, “Great, take care of them for a moment. I’ll go prepare formula for Yangyang.”

The security guard agreed and took out a pale yellow bib for little Bai Luochuan. The young master probably knew that there would be something to eat once he put it on. He sat obediently, placing his chubby hands on his belly. His shiny eyes turned towards the security guard. When he saw the guard taking out a cartoon lunchbox, his eyes lit up even more. He reached out his hands, patted his own tummy, and exclaimed, “Ayaa!”

Inside the lunchbox was an apple and a small spoon. After cutting it in half, the security guard wanted to give some to Mi Yang, but Cheng Qing smiled and declined. She shook the baby bottle in her hand and said, “No need. Yangyang can’t eat too much. He’ll have his own food.”

The security guard began to feed Xiao Bai with the fruit puree. As soon as a spoonful was offered, the little master eagerly ate it up. His eyes squinted in delight. After having some fruit puree, he also took a piece of pre-cut apple and nibbled on it happily.

On the other side, Mi Yang was patiently waiting for his extra meal.

He usually drinks formula milk. When Cheng Qing prepared it and tested the temperature on the back of her hand, she slowly fed it to Mi Yang. After taking a couple of sips and no longer feeling hungry, Mi Yang absentmindedly ate while looking out the window. The snow had stopped last night, leaving everything outside in a silver-white blanket. The only trace of color might be a few pine trees burdened with heavy snow. It all looked extremely cold.

Infants easily get drowsy, and it’s common for them to eat a bit and then fall asleep. Mi Yang, sucking on the baby bottle, closed his eyes and soon drifted off. At one point, his mother lifted him and fed him the bottle again. Even while asleep, Mi Yang extended a little arm to hold the bottle, eyes closed, and continued to drink until he burped.

Bai Luochuan noticed this and reached out to touch the baby bottle, exclaiming, “Ayaa.”

Mi Yang was annoyed. What kind of annoying habit was this? He used to snatch everything he liked, It’s been like this since school days—anything he glanced at a bit longer, GONE! He even snatched the campus beauty who wrote him love letters. Now, even a baby bottle wasn’t spared.

Mi Yang spat out the bottle nipple, raised his little eyebrows, and, facing Bai Luochuan, playfully sprayed a mouthful of milk at him—serves you right for snatching.

However, the young master Bai was persistent in his thievery. The spirit of a bandit was deeply ingrained. He forcefully took Mi Yang’s bottle and drank a couple of gulps. By the time he managed to reclaim his bottle, there was noticeably less milk. Mi Yang glanced down and noticed the nipple had a small tear—no wonder Bai Luochuan had drunk so quickly.

Cheng Qing exclaimed, “Oh my! Luochuan is teething!”

Mi Yang, originally hiding in his mother’s arms with the bottle, turned to look. Little Bai Luochuan was grinning, revealing two tiny rice-sized baby teeth. Mi Yang felt a twinge of envy. Although his birthday was just two months away, he felt like he was lagging behind in development.

Mi Yang remembered that Bai Luochuan would likely grow to be over 1.8 meters tall in the future. At the moment, Mi Yang was half a head shorter, standing at 1.76 meters. In the northern region, this was considered somewhat short. However, it wasn’t too late to catch up. With a good diet, plenty of milk, and some bone broth, he might gain another couple of centimeters. He wasn’t aiming for much; being satisfied with 1.78 meters would be enough.

When Bai Luochuan attempted to snatch the bottle again, Mi Yang didn’t let him this time. He quickly grabbed the bottle and began drinking on his own, making sure Bai Luochuan couldn’t steal it.

Cheng Qing playfully poked Mi Yang’s forehead and teased him, “Stingy! What’s wrong with letting your big brother have a little sip?”

Little Bai Luochuan sat there eagerly, perhaps thinking that after Mi Yang finished, there would be some for him. He held his apple, nibbling on it while casting hopeful glances at Mi Yang’s bottle.

Mi Yang turned his head away from Bai Luochuan, making a disgruntled sound.

Amused by their antics, Cheng Qing took out another bottle and prepared formula for little Bai Luochuan. The two toddlers each held a bottle, gulping down the milk in a playful, almost competitive manner.

The security guard standing nearby sighed and remarked, “It’s still better to have them together.”

Children easily get sleepy after eating. Bai Luochuan was a bit more resilient than Mi Yang, but after drinking most of the bottle, he started rubbing his eyes. Cheng Qing brought a soft new cotton blanket, carried both toddlers, and laid them down for an afternoon nap. After yawning, Mi Yang placed his small hand against his face and quickly fell asleep. On the other hand, little Bai Luochuan, with a less conventional sleeping position, turned over and slept on his stomach, his fair cheek rubbing against the soft blanket as if confirming its scent. His eyes blinked open and shut a few times before gradually drifting off.

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2 months ago

Thanks for the chapter! Can’t wait for more~

2 months ago

Will this be updated? or does anyone know where i can read the rest?

2 months ago

yay!! that’s great. looking forward to it !!

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