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The curriculum at Tongmeng Elementary School was just right for Jiang Ning.

Teacher Qi said, “If she can enroll this semester, she’ll start learning English from scratch.”

The school had just been established for a year, recruiting students from various districts’ elementary schools. To accommodate the educational levels of most students, after a year of trial and error, the new students admitted this year would start learning English from the first grade.

However, students admitted the previous year began learning from the second grade, and Jiang Ning happened to catch up.

Lin Wenjun asked again, more tactfully this time:

“Jiang Ning originally attended a local elementary school, and she’s the only transfer student in the whole class.”

Teacher Qi immediately understood what Lin Wenjun meant:

“Jiang Ning’s mom, our school has many transfer students like Jiang Ning, and we even have a boarding class in each grade.”

The boarding class is a major enrollment feature of Tongmeng Elementary School, featuring semi-military management and dedicated life teachers responsible for taking care of students’ daily lives.

The on-duty teachers oversee the students’ studies. Everyone attends classes together, does homework together, and for those choosing to learn musical instruments, there’s also a music teacher overseeing their practice.

Every year, there is a standardized examination.

In the boarding class, half of the students are from the local area, and the other half are transfer students from other places. Parents, busy with work and desiring proper supervision for their children, are willing to spend a considerable amount to send their children here.

The children have long been accustomed to this arrangement; half of them are transfer students themselves and don’t feel any particular distinction or uniqueness about being from elsewhere.

“During holidays, everyone even chats together about the festive customs of their hometowns.”

Lin Wenjun was very satisfied with this school. She knew, of course, that Tongmeng Elementary School couldn’t compare to a foreign language school, but considering Jiang Ning’s lack of household registration, this was currently the best school she could attend.

Teacher Qi took Lin Wenjun and Jiang Ning to the office to complete the entrance exam papers. They needed to assess the incoming students and organize the classes accordingly.

For Chinese language, spelling, and writing, as well as basic arithmetic, Jiang Ning found the tasks effortless.

She particularly enjoyed natural sciences, could recognize and sing musical notes, and even sang a song for Teacher Qi. Impressed, Teacher Qi said to Lin Wenjun, “Jianing has a pleasant voice, excellent pitch. Learning music is beneficial, and she can even sign up to audition for the school choir.”

During the exam, Jiang Ning was a bit nervous. When Teacher Qi praised her, her face blushed with happiness.

Since childhood, Jiang Ning had enjoyed singing and dancing. She could learn and sing the theme songs of TV dramas after hearing them just a couple of times. Back in her hometown, Lin Wenjun even wanted to send her to the Youth Palace to learn singing and dancing.

However, Jiang Ye refused, thinking traditionally and being stubborn: “What’s the use of learning these singing and dancing things?”

Now, Jiang Ning could learn them, right here in school.

Lin Wenjun filled out the application form, submitted photocopies of various documents, and even bought textbooks for the first and second grades.

These were just the initial steps of the transfer process. After receiving the school’s approval for admission, Lin Wenjun had to obtain a certificate with the school’s consent, then take the certificate to the original school for verification and stamping. Finally, she had to visit the education bureau.

Fortunately, both schools were in the same district; otherwise, she would have to deal with two different districts, making the process even more challenging.

Though the entire process was not overly complex, following the regulations was essential. It was just time and energy-consuming. After two days, Lin Wenjun completed all the required procedures.

The teacher from the local elementary school glanced at the calendar and remarked, “You really have the means.”

Lin Wenjun smiled, “Investing in a child’s education is the most rewarding.”

Just another ten days, and Jiang Ning would be able to start at Tongmeng Elementary School.

With most tasks completed, Lin Wenjun’s legs were swollen like potatoes, but she had other matters to attend to. It turned out that she was experiencing severe morning sickness, and these past few days, she hadn’t been able to do anything.

Lin Wenjun lay on the bed, one hand on her stomach and the other massaging her legs. The phone rang, and it was a call from Jiang Ye.

He had been away for two days, and why hadn’t his wife or child contacted him during that time?

“I’ve sorted out Ningning’s school transfer,” Lin Wenjun answered the phone and dropped a bombshell. Jiang Ning, sitting at a small table, studying her textbooks, lifted her head upon hearing Lin Wenjun’s words.

Jiang Ye fell silent. Even through the phone, Lin Wenjun could imagine his expression; at this moment, he must have a furrowed brow.

“Did you pay the fees?”

“Of course, I’ve paid. All the procedures are completed. Teacher Qi also told me that this year’s sponsorship fee is higher than last year’s, and it’s going to increase again next year.”

Jiang Ye was skeptical, “They sweet-talked you, and you paid?”

Lin Wenjun took a deep breath, trying not to argue with him, but the anger couldn’t be suppressed, “I’ve completed all the procedures. Tomorrow, I’m going out to look for a house to buy a piano!”

With that, she hung up the phone.

Jiang Ye was having dinner with Wang Zhiguo’s family when Mrs. Wang asked about his wife and child. Only then did he remember to make a phone call.

Wang Zhiguo’s son was younger than Jiang Ning, still attending kindergarten. Mrs. Wang had just heard about Lin Wenjun’s plan to transfer her daughter to another school, and the tone of the phone call suggested that it was already done, which surprised her.

“Did xiao Lin handle it herself?” Mrs. Wang had met Lin Wenjun but hadn’t really gotten to know her.
[xiao= little]
Jiang Ye’s expression turned a bit unpleasant. He initially thought his wife was just talking casually, but he didn’t expect her to have actually accomplished it!

“I don’t know what got into her suddenly, wanting to transfer our daughter to another school and even move houses, saying that the current place can’t accommodate a piano,” Jiang Ye complained, growing more frustrated as he spoke.

To his surprise, Mrs. Wang laughed, “Isn’t that quite good? I also want my son to learn the piano. Look at his mischievous appearance, just like a monkey. Your daughter seems more composed and suitable for piano lessons.”

Jiang Ye immediately relaxed his expression, “Haha, You can bring Yangyang over. Maybe seeing the piano will make him like it.”

Mrs. Wang suddenly shifted the conversation towards real estate, “So, are you planning to rent a house or buy one? These foreign-export houses are quite popular now. There’s Paris Garden, Diamond Apartments… Have you considered buying?”

She was subtly trying to gauge Jiang Ye’s financial standing. Typically, those buying foreign-export houses were either foreigners or businessmen from Hong Kong, Macau, or Taiwan.

“We can’t afford it, can’t afford it,” Jiang Ye shook his head. “Buying a house is too early for us. We’re thinking of investing the money in our business, getting some new equipment and upgrades first.”

He said this with Wang Zhiguo in mind.

“This year, we won’t buy, but Mr. Jiang is planning to buy next year. The business is growing, and we can’t keep renting,” Mrs. Wang said with a smile. “We’re also planning to move out from his parents’ place. Look, he just got assigned a unit.”

Getting an assigned unit now and moving out from one’s parents’ home was already a significant achievement.

Jiang Ye immediately patted his chest, “I’ll take care of the renovations. Such a good thing deserves a celebration!”

Mrs. Wang was suggesting exactly that, and Jiang Ye responded quickly. In her excitement, she brought up Lin Wenjun again, “Next time you come out, be sure to bring your wife and daughter. We women can have a good chat.”

Interestingly, she had never thought of having a proper conversation with Lin Wenjun before.

After drinking a bit too much, Jiang Ye returned to his room and made another phone call. This time, he inquired more carefully, “How much money did you spend?”

With Mrs. Wang’s approval, Jiang Ye’s tone improved significantly. Lin Wenjun reported the amount to him.

“Twenty-three thousand,” she said, adding three thousand without hesitation.

“In addition to the sponsorship fee, there are registration fees, tuition, and miscellaneous expenses. I also gave a gift to the admissions teacher,” Lin Wenjun said without batting an eye, padding her own little treasury with an extra three thousand.

“So much money, and you didn’t discuss it with me?” All that! It’s just an enrollment sponsorship fee! “What kind of gift did you give?”

Lin Wenjun held the phone, “A two thousand yuan shopping voucher, I bought it from a scalper.” Just in case he asked again.

[scalper= a person who resells shares or tickets at a large or quick profit.]

Taiwanese people came to Shanghai to open shopping malls and introduced these shopping vouchers. Scalpers made a fortune by cleverly dealing with these vouchers, and customers could exchange them directly for cash with the scalpers.

Jiang Ye was a bit bewildered. When did Lin Wenjun become so resourceful?

The shopping voucher doesn’t have a name on it. Dealing with a scalper and then giving it to the teacher, there’s no way to find any fault in how things were handled.

He calculated the expenses, and it turned out to be quite a sum. Afterward, his daughter still needed to buy a piano and pay the teacher. AND his younger sister called and asked to borrow money, and he hesitated.

She said it’s borrowing, but it’s more like demanding, and she immediately asked for twenty thousand yuan.

Jiang Ye’s sisters were like a bottomless pit. No matter how much he gave, it was never enough. Initially, they asked for twenty or thirty thousand, and then they started hoping that Jiang Ye would buy them a house in their hometown.

Jiang Ye had gone out to work, and they expected him to take care of things back home.

‘Buying a house is for our father to live in.’

In reality, their father had already remarried long ago. There was no way he would move to his daughter’s house.

“How much do you still need? If it’s a lot, can’t you wait a year before I buy a car?” Lin Wenjun held the phone, smiling slightly. She couldn’t help but chuckle at herself, the one who used not to keep any secret money – she was simply foolish!

“Is that possible? A car is really useful for me.”

Currently, the cost of buying a car is more expensive than buying a house, but if Jiang Ye had to choose, he would definitely choose to buy a car. A car is the most essential thing for him at the moment.

During this trip, he used someone else’s car, but in the present era, who would often have an extra car available for him to borrow?

He took Wang Zhiguo’s family to a vacation resort, experienced everything firsthand, and got to know the resort manager. Having his own car would make arranging trips much more convenient in the future.

“Isn’t twenty thousand a bit too much?” Jiang Ye discussed his sister’s matter with his wife too.

“How much do they need?”

“They’re asking for twenty thousand.”

Neither of them used the word “borrow,” as they both knew that once the money was given, it wouldn’t come back.

“She’s definitely overreporting to leave room for negotiation,” Lin Wenjun didn’t explicitly agree or disagree, but she continued, “As for my parents, don’t give them money. Moving is already an additional expense, and buying new furniture will make the cost too high.”

Jiang Ye would definitely give that twenty thousand yuan. It couldn’t be stopped, so they didn’t bother trying.

Lin Wenjun, suppressing her frustration, called Jiang Ning over, “Come here, Ningning, talk to Dad.”

Holding the phone, Jiang Ning told her dad that she had passed the entrance exam, the new school’s uniform was especially pretty, the school was huge, the house was white, the playground was green, and there was even a little garden!

Jiang Ye didn’t have the patience to cajole his daughter. After saying a few words, he hung up the phone.

Jiang Ning wasn’t disappointed at all. She was about to start school at such a beautiful place!

Without even watching cartoons, she sat at her desk with a pencil, opened her notebook, and earnestly wrote and drew. After carefully going through the textbooks for both semesters, she looked up and told her mom, “Mom, I know it all.”

She even recited the multiplication tables to Lin Wenjun, her voice clear and crisp, her eyes sparkling. Afterward, she took out her colored pens and drew a picture of the new school on paper.

There was a red brick teaching building, a green large lawn, and a grand school gate.

Jiang Ning carefully colored on the paper.

Lin Wenjun smiled at her daughter, “Look up from time to time; your eyes will get tired.”

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4 months ago

Great novel waiting for more❤️❤️❤️

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