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After Tian Si left, the village women by the river began to discuss eagerly, all of them somewhat excited.

Tian Si was a sharp-tongued woman, always strutting around the village. Unexpectedly, today she was put in her place by Bai Shu.

Chen Ge, looking at Bai Shu, lowered his voice and spoke with emphasis, “Bai Shu, I know you feel wronged, but we, as elder brothers, still need to tolerate and yield a bit in such matters. We can’t resort to violence or shouting, or it’ll all be your fault when it gets out.”

Chen Ge himself was not particularly handsome, which made it difficult for him to marry into a good family. He ended up marrying a poor farmer, and their family had only three acres of dry land. They couldn’t afford meat for a meal even once a year.

He spent each day washing, mending, cooking, and in his free time, he joined the men in the fields. After five years of marriage, they barely managed to have a son, which was quite an achievement.

Bai Shu knew that Chen Ge meant well, even though he didn’t fully agree with him. He nodded and said, “I understand. Thank you.”

After saying that, Bai Shu left the other bamboo tubes by the river and took only one to catch fish.

The river in the village was only about ten meters wide, and it wasn’t deep enough for anything more than a small boat.

Standing by the river, Bai Shu rolled up his pants above his knees and stayed in the shallower areas. The water was clear, and since it was the flood season, there were quite a few fish and shrimp in the water.

Bai Shu found a large reef and stood in front of it, capturing the fish and shrimp that swam along with the water flow.

The small fish in the river were agile, and it was challenging for ordinary people to catch them barehanded. However, Bai Shu was not an ordinary person; he was the strongest warrior among the zerg tribe.

Even though he had changed his body at the moment, his basic reflexes were still intact. With lightning-fast movements, he caught one fish after another. In no time, the bamboo tube was filled to the brim with green fish.

Bai Shu carried the bamboo tube and approached Chen Ge, saying, “Big Brother Chen, could you help me safeguard these fish?”

Chen Ge was a bit stunned. He lowered his head for a look and couldn’t help but exclaim, “How did you catch so many fish so quickly?”

Chen Ge’s words drew the attention of others. Several village women gathered around, looking at the bamboo tube in Bai Shu’s hands, feeling somewhat amazed.

Bai Shu’s fishing skills were exceptional. They had never seen him catch fish before. Was he hiding his talents all along?

They began praising Bai Shu, and a few even pestered him to teach them the techniques of catching fish.

Bai Shu patiently explained to them, but when they tried it themselves, the fish slipped through their fingers. In the end, the women had to give up, enviously watching Bai Shu’s agile movements in the river as he caught a tube of assorted fish, a tube of river shrimp, and a tube of eels.

Bai Shu felt it was enough and stopped. He handed the bucket of eels to Chen Ge, saying, “Thank you for watching my things. Take this home with you.”

Eels have a strong earthy smell and need to be marinated in wine. However, since the wine in Bai’s house was hidden by Bai Zou Shi, and Bai Shu didn’t feel like searching for it, he simply gave it to Chen Ge, considering it a gesture of gratitude for speaking up for him earlier.

“Well… then I won’t be polite,” Chen Ge accepted the tube of eels amidst the envious gazes of others.

He hadn’t eaten meat for over a year, and his child at home often complained of hunger. Naturally, he wouldn’t be polite when it came to food.

Chen Ge then said to Bai Shu, “If you need anything in the future, come to my house.”

Bai Shu nodded. He wasn’t very familiar with the village yet, having only a limited understanding from Bai Shu’s memories. Some matters did require consulting the locals.

As the two of them were talking, suddenly a person ran from the small path by the river, shouting loudly as they ran, “Come see the excitement, come see the excitement! A group of people has arrived in the village, carrying a lot of things, heading towards the east of the village!”

Upon hearing this, the entire riverside village erupted with excitement. The villagers dropped their tasks and rushed towards the east of the village at a speed that even impressed Bai Shu.

In this era without television or the internet, people’s lives were dull, with little entertainment. If there’s something lively happening anywhere, the whole village will rush over to see, and it will be the talk of the village for the next few months.

If someone missed out on the excitement, they would lose a common language with everyone else. Not only would they be looked down upon, considered ignorant, but they might also find it challenging to join in the conversation.

Chen Ge quickly bid farewell to Bai Shu and ran over, holding the bamboo tube.

Bai Shu felt a bit speechless and had no interest in whatever commotion was happening. His mind was filled with thoughts of the male he had encountered yesterday. Holding a few bamboo tubes, he headed back to the Bai family.

It seemed everyone from the Bai family had gone to see what was happening. There was no one in the yard. Bai Shu placed the tube of assorted fish in his room and then carried another tube of green fish and river shrimp as he walked outside.

He walked slowly towards the dwelling of that male, and along the way, he saw people helping the elderly and frail to hurry in that direction.

People running with children wasn’t anything extraordinary, but the most striking sight was an elderly woman with snowy white hair. Apparently, she had difficulty walking and couldn’t move on her own. Her son, in his forties, was carrying her all the way.

The elderly woman was shaking and trembling, and she didn’t forget to urge her son, “Hurry, hurry! If we don’t get there soon, we’ll miss it.”

Bai Shu: “…”

When he reached the vicinity of the village from the last time, he saw layers of onlookers.

Almost the entire village of several hundred people had come. The place surrounded by everyone was surprisingly the dwelling of that male.

Bai Shu furrowed his brows, feeling a bit nervous. Could something have happened to that male’s family?

The entrance to that residence was surrounded, making it impossible for Bai Shu to see the situation inside. He had to find a nearby large tree and quickly climbed up it.

Lying on the tree branch, overlooking the scene from above, Bai Shu finally saw what was happening at the entrance of that residence.

It turned out that there was nothing unusual about the residence; it was just filled with many wooden boxes. There were also dozens of loads of glutinous rice, dried meat, air-dried chickens and geese, eggs, bean curd skin, and other items.

A group of servants in gray clothes was repeatedly carrying wooden boxes into the residence, and the young man called Xiao Shu stood at the entrance directing them.

The Bai family of four stood at the forefront, with Bai Lishi supporting her stomach, staring fixedly at the dried meat in the load, drooling.

In the crowd, there were quite a few people like Bai Lishi, and the villagers were discussing animatedly.

Bai Shu overheard a seven or eight-year-old child drooling and saying, “So many eggs and dried meat, even more than the village chief’s house. Even if we eat meat once every three days, it would take a year to finish, right?”

In his mind, having meat once every three days was like living a heavenly life.

“The village chief is here, make way, make way,” Bai Shu heard someone in the crowd shout.

The villagers automatically parted to the sides, leaving a clear path. Bai Baoshan, the village chief of Baitang Village, squeezed through this path.

Holding a jug of wine in one hand and a basket of eggs in the other, Bai Baoshan glanced over the eggs at the entrance.

With a slightly embarrassed cough, He took a step forward and bowed to the young man in front of the small tree, saying, “I believe you must be the young master Xie from the Earl’s Mansion. Hello.”

As he spoke, he offered the wine bottle and eggs in my hand, accompanied by a small gesture of goodwill.

The young man’s face stiffened, and he frowned as he scolded, “What is this old man babbling about? And what kind of look is that? I am Xie’s family servant, not at all resembling a young master of the Xie family!”

Elder Bai, the village chief, blushed and felt a bit embarrassed by the scolding. He quickly explained, “I am Bai Baoshan, the village chief of Baitang Village. I convey my greetings to this young servant and young master Xie. If the young master has any matters in the village, feel free to command me. I will definitely not delay.”

This is the Xie family’s fiefdom, and their ancestral home is also located here.

Although he was a village chief, he rarely encountered anyone from the Earl’s Mansion other than during tax collection each year, let alone the opportunity to see the young master of the Xie family.

Seeing this young man with fair skin, fine clothes, and the ability to command the servants, he assumed that he was the young master Xie himself, only to realize that it was a big joke.

Meanwhile, the villagers who were watching were stunned when they heard the word “earl.” They suddenly felt that their trip was truly worthwhile.

The young master of the Earl’s Mansion would eventually inherit the title!

If they could witness the future earl with their own eyes, it would be something they could talk about for a lifetime!

It was said that this person was the village chief, and Xiao Shu felt a bit embarrassed. He hurried inside to find Xie Huaiyu.

Soon, a tall and graceful figure walked out, holding a ledger in his hand. It was indeed Xie Huaiyu himself.

He was dressed in a dark blue cloth robe, with his hair casually tied up in a bun at the back of his head. His attire was very simple, not as luxurious as what nobles wore.

However, just standing there, he exuded an air of tranquility and elegance. It was evident at first glance that he was either wealthy or noble. Standing next to Xiao Shu, there would be no more mistaking his identity.

So handsome! Bai Shu couldn’t help but admire Xie Huaiyu’s appearance. This captivating male figure was simply irresistible to his eyes.

Similarly, the unmarried girls and young men in the village felt the same way. They had previously thought that scholars like Li Sanlang were the best men they could find in the village, but they had never seen someone like Young Master Xie, who seemed like a celestial being.

One by one, their faces turned red, their hearts raced, and even their movements became awkward. Bai He, who was standing in the front row, even threw a flirtatious glance at Xie Huaiyu when he looked their way.

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3 months ago


Is this dropped? Please don’t drop it🥹

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