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Chapter 6: The Little Watering Can

Around noon, Mi Zehai came back, and this time he brought two books with him, looking like he was planning to start preparing for exams.

Cheng Qing was about to cook, and Mi Zehai habitually wanted to help. However, Cheng Qing pushed him towards the table in the inner compartment, made him sit down, put the books back into his hands, and said, “You, don’t worry about anything. Just sit here and read. Take a moment to keep an eye on the kids for me.”

The desk was directly facing the small wooden bed where Mi Yang and the young master Bai were sleeping. Mi Zehai agreed, sighed, and started to read the books with a bitter smile.

While Cheng Qing was busy making hand-pulled noodles, the orderly, Xiao Zhao, had already run out and brought back three dishes. Not only were they for himself, but he also got some for Company Commander [A military
rank] Mi and his wife.

Cheng Qing made a portion of hand-pulled noodles for the orderly [A military
rank] as well. At first, Xiao Zhao refused, but then Mi Zehai gave an order: “You must finish it. That’s an order!”

Xiao Zhao saluted and replied with a grin, “Yes, I guarantee to complete the task!”

The adults were eating outside, and Mi Yang had already woken up from a nap. Next to him was a little bundle with a milky scent just like his own. The two were lying close together. Even in his sleep, Xiao Bai Luochuan hadn’t forgotten his big oranges. He had rolled both oranges between himself and Mi Yang, holding one in each hand. Their heads were touching, and their feet were pressed together like little curled-up shrimp, sleeping sweetly.

Truly, He could eat and sleep well.

Mi Yang reflected on this and thought to himself, no wonder he grows faster than me.

Little Bai Luochuan was sleeping soundly, his small rhombus-shaped mouth* slightly open, his long, thick eyelashes drooping like little fans, casting small shadows. A tuft of his soft hair stuck up, making him look much more obedient than his usual little troublemaker self when awake. Mi Yang watched for a while, then reached out to poke his cheek. It was very soft. When poked, he smacked his lips. Mi Yang poked him again, but this time, he accidentally poked his mouth. In his sleep, little Bai Luochuan furrowed his brows, and soon, he instinctively started sucking on Mi Yang’s finger, even trying to bite with his tiny baby teeth.

It took quite an effort for Mi Yang to withdraw his finger and decided not to bother him anymore.

Cheng Qing, worried about the children in the room, came over immediately after eating half a bowl of noodles. As she walked in, she saw one child sleeping soundly, looking like a little angel, and the other with wide, rolling eyes, looking at the ceiling and playing with his fingers. When he saw her come in, he immediately smiled without making a sound, reached out for her to hold him, looking like a little angel who had just opened his eyes.

Cheng Qing picked up her son and gave him a kiss, smiling as well.

The two little ones were relatively quiet, but this midday rest period didn’t allow Mi Zehai to take a nap. He still had to study.

He had been training people in the mountains since five in the morning and had to read and take notes at noon. Although he didn’t complain, his eyes were already bloodshot. Cheng Qing felt sorry for him and brought him a cup of strong tea, but there was nothing more she could do for him. She could only sit beside him, offering encouragement.

Mi Yang wasn’t worried at all. His dad not only passed the exams back then but also ranked quite high, earning recognition throughout the entire division. He was one of the few people the commander highlighted at a major meeting, and his dad had bragged about it his whole life, basking in the glory.

Even though he knew this, Mi Yang didn’t make a sound to cause trouble. He quietly played with his fingers.

After a while, little Bai Luochuan furrowed his brows and slowly woke up. However, this little master wasn’t as well-behaved upon waking. With his eyes still closed, he cried out twice. Cheng Qing hurriedly picked him up and softly soothed him, but it wasn’t very effective. It was as if he was throwing a tantrum, crying loudly without actual tears, and he insisted on crying for a while.

The bugle sounded outside the window. Mi Zehai closed his book, rubbed his face vigorously to shake off the fatigue, and grinned, saying, “Hey, this little guy might be cut out to be a soldier. His timing is perfect; it’s just time for the afternoon drill.”

Cheng Qing also smiled and said, “Take it slow. The weather is cold this afternoon. Remember to put on an extra layer and don’t come back after dark again.”

trans to eng

Mi Zehai responded affirmatively. Seeing that there were only the two little ones in the room, he leaned in to kiss his wife and said happily, “Don’t worry, I know.”

Even so, Cheng Qing blushed and urged him to leave quickly.

In the room, Cheng Qing was left alone with two children: one was easy to handle, and the other was quite the opposite.

Mi Yang could lie there and play all day without crying or making a fuss. Only when he needed to pee or something would he scrunch up his little face and whimper like a kitten to express his needs, making him very easy to care for. However, little master Bai had a much bigger temper. When Cheng Qing patted and softly coaxed him, he would pretend to sleep for a while, but as soon as she put him down, he would start crying—deliberately seeking attention, refusing to be left alone even for a moment. He was quite the little troublemaker, a little rascal.

Mi Yang was furious. How could this person be so scheming from such a young age? This is my mom you’re bossing around!

He decided he had to teach this little brat a lesson today.

When Cheng Qing put little Bai Luochuan down again, Mi Yang moved his small hand and made his first attempt at rolling over in his life, scooting close to little Bai Luochuan. Before Cheng Qing could express her surprise, Mi Yang made an attacking move at little master Bai and spat:


Little Bai Luochuan blinked his eyes, not understanding what just happened:


Mi Yang took the opportunity to spit at him again:
“Phffo, phffo phff—”

Cheng Qing picked Mi Yang up and said, “What are you doing? Trying to talk to your brother? Why did you spit all over him?”

In Cheng Qing’s arms, Mi Yang continued his relentless spitting like a little sprinkler, “phff phff.” Cheng Qing, both amused and exasperated, couldn’t help but wipe his mouth and little face with a handkerchief, “Where did you learn this from?”

Little Bai Luochuan sat there, tilting his head and watching Mi Yang. His pretty little face was serious. After a moment, he started mimicking Mi Yang:

Mi Yang immediately retaliated:

Little Bai Luochuan, trying this for the first time, watched and attempted to mimic:
“Phff… phff…” His success rate wasn’t very high, but with a bit of practice, he soon got the hang of it. Before long, he was sitting there proudly, making very precise and proper “phffo” sounds.

Cheng Qing:

It was clear that little master Bai had learned the art of spitting from her son.

In the afternoon, Bai Jingrong and his wife came to pick up their child. By then, little Bai Luochuan had already mastered the skill of spitting. As Bai Jingrong was dressing him, he was reluctant to leave. Once dressed and picked up, he immediately expressed his displeasure by spitting at his dad:

Mrs. Bai burst out laughing beside him:
“Oh, you’ve learned a new trick today, haven’t you?”

Cheng Qing, feeling a bit embarrassed, said:
“They took a nap together. When they woke up, they somehow started playing like this.”

Mrs. Bai waved her hand and laughed:
“It’s fine. It’s normal for kids. They’re also practicing talking.”

Bai Jingrong was a serious and old-fashioned person. He dealt with his son’s antics straightforwardly by putting a mask on him, ignoring his angry glare. After nodding in thanks to Cheng Qing, he and his wife left with their child.

Once they were gone, Cheng Qing began to educate her son. Mi Yang pretended to be innocent, humming and acting like he didn’t understand, or he simply closed his eyes and feigned sleep, completely resistant to her attempts.

Cheng Qing sighed and muttered a few words. She knew that even children older than Mi Yang couldn’t always be reasoned with.

In the military camp, there were no other military dependents [Wives] besides Cheng Qing and Mrs. Bai. Sometimes Mrs. Bai would bring her child over, and gradually, Cheng Qing would also take her son to visit the Bai family.

Bai Jingrong didn’t ask for any special treatment and lived quite modestly, but Mrs. Bai kept their place tidy and well-organized. Even the tea sets placed casually were cleaned to a reflective shine. Not to mention, she had brought along quite a few trendy items and small appliances from the city, including one item that caught Cheng Qing’s eye—a small travel thermos.

It had a slender, red hard-shell body. The twist-off cap doubled perfectly as a small drinking cup, and it had a collapsible handle for easy carrying. Cheng Qing estimated its capacity to be just right for making three baby bottles, perfect for the whole night.

She was going to visit relatives After the New Year. It would take three days and two nights on the slow train, and with the cold weather, the hot water on the train always ran out quickly. She could endure it herself, but how could she expect the child to?

Cheng Qing made a mental note of the appearance of that travel thermos. She thought about buying one herself before she left.

Mi Yang blinked as he looked at the thermos. It was quite a coincidence that they had one exactly like it at home. His mom often mentioned this thermos, saying it was almost as old as he was and they had used it at home until he was in junior high.

However, he didn’t gaze at it for long. Soon, Mrs. Bai smiled and carried him inside to “play with his brother.” Perhaps because there were more familiar items here, little Bai Luochuan seemed much more relaxed than outside. He didn’t cause as much trouble, sitting among a pile of plush toys like a little emperor. When he saw Mi Yang approaching, he showed no signs of rejection.

The young master played with his own panda doll, then interacted with Mi Yang, seeming particularly satisfied.

Mi Yang:

Mi Yang felt that little Bai Luochuan didn’t reject him at all; it seemed like he was treating him as a toy.

Author’s note:
Today, Xiao Bai Luochuan has a message:

“Phff, phff!”


*Rhombus-shaped mouth:


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1 month ago

Finally you are back!!!! 😭

1 month ago

Hilarious 😆😆 thanks for the update

1 month ago

Moooooore 🥺

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